
ZOOM in to this image. allegra-con-brio-tom-roberts

Now, think about SEE – THINK – WONDER

What did you SEE?

What does it make you THINK?

What do you still WONDER?

What 3 words would you use to describe the scene?  Type With Me


Haiku is an ancient Japanese form of poetry which has 3 lines.

5 syllables

7 syllables

5 syllables


  • Create a Haiku about the Melbourne of the 1900’s based around the painting by Tom Roberts.  Haiku Generator
  • When your are happy with your Haiku, screen capture the image and copy it into a Word document.
  • Type out your Haiku and undertake the final editing.
  • Share your writing with the group.
  • If you have time, go to Tag Galaxy to find a picture of Melbourne to add to your Haiku

One last thing:

Please complete this quick survey

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