What is so Sensational & Stupendous about Spirals?

I’ll bet that every night when you go to bed you lie awake thinking about spirals!



Well maybe you should …… because spirals might just be the most amazing shapes in the universe!

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A spiral is a special curve that can be in 2 or 3 dimensions.

2 dimensions like a drawing or 3 dimensions like a spiral staircase, a corkscrew or a drill. A tornado is a 3D spiral and so is the double helix, which is the basic block building of our DNA.

Two famous mathematicians –

                                              Archimedes and Fibonacci

                         studied spirals and two spirals are named after them.


Which spiral do you think is the most amazing, powerful, impressive, awesome and important?

Create a short digital book to tell the world about your spiral of choice.


Check out some basic information about Archimedes and Fibonacci spirals in these videos.  Choose which one you think is the most amazing, powerful, impressive, awesome and important.

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        The Archimedian Spiral             The Golden Spiral of Fibonacci


Learn more using these links. Don’t forget to collect information and pictures that you could use to create your book.


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The Life of Archimedes



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The Archimedes Screw





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How to Make a Fibonacci Spiral



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Fibonacci in Nature




Take photos of your own to show real life examples of your spiral – edit and tweek your photos to make them as interesting as possible.

Plan and create your book.

You may choose your format but you might like to consider using Creative Book Builder, Little Story Maker or Book Creator on an iPad or Youblisher if you are using a computer.



If you wish, you can upload your book to this page to share with the world by attaching it to a comment.



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If you want to really take on a challenge and learn more about Fibonacci numbers, you might like to try these activities from Mensa for Kids





The Amazing Triple Spiral using 15,000 dominoes


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