Rock Paper Scissors – hmmmm

Have you ever played “Rock, Paper, Scissors”?

It’s a  popular old game, your mum and dad might have even played it. But did you know that there are alternatives ways to play. Perhaps this one “Paper, Lizard, Spock” from TV’s ‘Big Bang Theory” is a little complex it still might be worth a try. .

Or maybe you would like to try this version’ The rules are simple.

Play “Paper, Rock Scissors” like normal , except that instead of the traditional hand symbols you show either 1,2,3 or 4 fingers. The winner if the first student to add up the number of fingers. Play best of 5 rounds.

To make it harder try multiplying or subtracting the 2 numbers – you could even designate someone to be a negative number. Great for revision of number facts, to improve speed or just to keep your mind firing.

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