The Rhind Papyrus – and ancient challenge for you

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 Fancy trying a maths challenge that is around 7 thousand years old?

Screen Shot 2018-10-03 at 2.06.21 pmThe Rhind Papyrus was created around 1550 BC and is one on the most famous examples
of mathematics from ancient Egypt in the world. It has an amazing history. It was stolen from the pyramids, then sold to a Scottish man named Alexander Rind in 1858 . Most of it is now in the British Museum but some is also in museums in New York and Moscow.

The Papyrus had hundreds of maths challenges. Try number 79

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Leave me a reply if you work out the answer..maybe take a photo of your solution to show your genius.

Can you find out more about the Rhind Papyrus? Maybe you can find some more challenges to share – leave me a reply and I will add them to the blog.